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Frederico Valsassina
Born in Lisbon in 1955.
Graduated in Architecture at the Escola de Belas Artes de Lisboa in July 1979. Collaborates with ohter studios, both national and international, setting up his own studio in 1986.
He has undertaken many noteworthy rehabilitation projects, namely Palácio dos Condes de Murça, Palácio Contador-Mor and the resIdential building located in Av. da República no.37, all three awarded with National Award for Urban Rehabilitation.
The studio has worked in various fields of different scales, such as Herdade do Freixo Winery, in Alentejo; Alcântara's ETAR - wastewater treatment -, in partnership with Manuel Aires Mateus and João Nunes; and the new Hospital CUF Tejo, in Lisbon, currently under construction. His works have been published in Portugal and abroad.
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